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7:00 AM

Ashburn IHOP Mens Group

Studying the Book of Philippians. Meets at Ashburn IHOP

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6:00 PM

Ashburn Mens Group (Schum)

The group is currently studying The Books of the Bible - The Prophets. Join pastor Jeff Manion (New Testament) and teacher John Walton (Old Testament) as they look at the context and purpose for each book of the Bible as part of The Books of the Bible series used in the Community Bible Experience campaign. This group meets virtually.

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Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers meets at 8:00a for breakfast on the 2nd Saturday of every month at CFC. Please check CFC's event details for more information about upcoming meetings. All men are welcome to join this monthly meeting for fellowship and discussion of God's word.

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7:00 PM

Divorce Care

This course is facilitated by trained DC leaders, Betty Guyer and Stephen Sebestyen. Divorce Care is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. In this 13-week, video-based support group program, you'll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.

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11:00 AM

Families Growing Deeper Together

The group pursues thought-provoking questions and encourages personal reflection and application each Sunday following the main stage sermon. The discussion guide connects the sermon to family life by discussing how the message applies to various family dynamics.Everyone in the group is encouraged to share personal experiences and insights from their own family. The take home guide provides practical examples and suggestions for incorporating the sermon teaching into family activities and conversations throughout the week. You may be single or a couple without kids, you are invited to try out the group and meet the facilitating team and join in the conversation. The group meets year-round and is intentional on building genuine relationships within the group. Contact Beth Davidson with questions at

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7:00 PM

Freedom Women's Group

Freedom Women Life Group is led by Sharifa Gomez Jones and meets off-campus in Brambleton. New Session begins Thursdays February 20, 2025 at 7pm to study Relaxed by Megan Fate Marshman, a video driven group study. People describe Jesus in a lot of different ways, but have you ever thought of Him as relaxed? This doesn't mean that Jesus didn't grieve or become angry, but the Gospels portray Him as never in a hurry to be anywhere other than where He was, trusting and obeying His Father. Could the same be said of you? Are you relaxed? You can be. We long to know peace, purpose and contentment, but life's stresses the world's discouragements, and our own striving for growth often get in the way. Join Bible teacher and spiritual formation leader Megan Fate Marshman for a 7-session video driven Bible study on exchanging self-reliance for the trusting and relaxed posture modeled to us by Jesus. Sharifa Gomez facilitates this group. Contact Beth Davidson for more information and the meeting address.

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7:00 PM

Hurting Moms Mending Hearts

Hurting Moms Mending Hearts is a small group for moms whose adult children are making destructive choices that impact their lives & those who love them.Currently reading: Doing Life with Your Adult Children: Keep Your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out. Written by Jim Burns Ph.D If you've raised a child, you know that parenting doesn't stop when they turn 18. In many ways, your relationship gets even more complicated--your heart and your head are as involved as ever, but you can feel things shifting, whether your child lives under your roof or rarely stays in contact. Doing Life with Your Adult Children helps you navigate this rich and challenging season of parenting. Speaking from his own personal and professional experience, Burns offers practical answers to the most common questions he's received over the years. Including positive principles on bringing kids back to faith, ideas on how to leave a legacy as a grandparent, and encouragement for every changing season,

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11:00 AM


Genesis is now INSIGHT. We are called to be salt and light in the world and our world begins with our family, our neighborhood, and our workplace. We take a second look at the main stage teaching on Sundays using a tailored study guide and we apply that teaching to our life as we dive into a dynamic group discussion. Once a month, we carve out social time to get to know one another better as we share our stories and share a meal. Everyone is welcome to try out this multi-generational (team led) group.

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7:00 PM

Life Group for Young Adults

A group for young adults meets Wednesdays on the CFC campus led by Taryn Hollis and Kaitlin Probus. Contact Beth Davidson with questions;

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6:00 PM

Life Group for Young Couples and Families

How long? Why is this happening? Where are you, God? For centuries, God’s people have learned to go to God with their real questions, struggles, and everyday needs by reading and studying the Psalms. In this practical, gospel-rich small group study, authors Barbara Juliani and Patric Knaak guide participants in learning how the Psalms give us words to pray about the real struggles in our lives. Faith in Christ brings us into a living relationship with God, which means we can go to God in every circumstance and with every reaction of our hearts. We don’t need to pretend things are good when they are not, or that we are strong when we are not. The Psalms are God’s gift to his people―his own words we can pray to strengthen our hearts and faith.

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7:00 PM

Life Group for Young Couples and Families

This Life Group for young couples and young families focuses on building deep relationships and the joy found in going deeper into a study of God's word and applying His word to real life. The group is committed to praying for one another and doing life together. The group meets on September 19 and begins a new study Psalms;Real Prayers for Real Life. Meets in Round Hill. Please contact Beth Davidson for the location. or Brooke Jones

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4:00 PM

Life Group For Young Families

A Life Group for Young Families - Meets on the CFC campus Sundays 4-6pm. This group pursues building friendships, walking out everyday life together and studying God's word with the expectation that His word transforms us. Currently reading through 1 Thessalonians. Contact Mike Haynes with questions,

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7:00 PM

McCoy Life Group

A group of men and women gathering to study God's word together, building friendships and living out the daily spiritual rhythms experienced in ROOTED. Bible Study of Jonah: Grace for Sinners and Saints, Study Guide with Leader's Notes (The Gospel-Centered Life in Bible series.)

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6:30 PM

McSweeney Life Group

The McSweeney Life Group begins a new study with teaching videos on the topic of Heaven. The Real Heaven by Chip Ingram. But what does the Bible actually say about Heaven? What difference does it make? What happens the moment after we die? What will our relationships be like there? Chip Ingram sets aside the hype and myths and digs into the Scriptures to discover what God actually wants us to know about Heaven. Most importantly, Ingram shows why our understanding of Heaven matters now, in this life. Because what we believe about Heaven actually affects us today in ways we may not have imagined.This group is a co-ed, multi-generational group that meets in a home in the Broadlands community in Ashburn. The group meets on Tuesdays from 6.30p to 8 pm each week. For more information contact Beth Davidson -

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7:00 PM

Mid-week Men's Group

A Wednesday night men's small group meeting at CFC in the Cafe or on the patio. Currently working through the book of Acts one chapter per week.

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group list from event attendees

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6:30 PM

Monday Men's Group

A group of men who meet weekly for group Bible Study. The group values regular committed attendance unless on business travel. The group also values accountability and is committed to praying for one another. Currently studying the book of Genesis. Meets on the CFC campus in room 301. Please contact Beth Davidson, with questions about the group.

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11:00 AM

Primetime Group

Weekly Sunday School from 11 AM - 12 PM for Seniors led by Pastor Fred Clark.

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11:00 AM

Relevant - Sermon Series Discussion Group

Relevant is a group of men and women who are all learning more about what God has for them in His Word. The group represents people from all walks of life - from singles to married couples, people with fur babies and people with actual babies, professionals in a variety of fields and people newer to the workforce. What brings them all together is the desire to dive into the Sunday sermon message and apply the Biblical teaching to real life. The group works through a sermon study guide written each week and posted on the CFC website on Thursday evenings.

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7:00 PM

Relevant Wednesday Night Bible Study Group

Relevant is a co-ed small group open to everyone. You are welcome to attend as your schedule allows. The focus of the group is an in-depth study of scripture each week. Weekly groups begin again after the New Year. Please contact Beth Davidson with questions.

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7:00 PM

Rooted for Life

This new Rooted Life Group is a diverse group of men and women. Meets in the North lobby on campus at 7p.

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Senior Ministry JOY Club

Senior Adult Fellowship Group. The group meets once a month socially on campus and in other venues. The June 10th potluck is open to everyone, no registration is required. Just bring a dish to share and enjoy the fellowship. Ray Vaught and Fred Clark will be sharing stories from their recent trip to Israel in an informal presentation. No meetings in July and August. For more information contact Pastor Fred Clark, or Beth Davidson,

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7:00 AM

Silver Diner Men's Group

Silver Diner Men's Small Group is discussing "You Never Stop Being a Parent", by Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick. Whether you're a parent of adult kids, an adult with parents, or anywhere in between, join us as we explore advice from Scripture. This study will take us into April 2025. All men welcome!

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7:00 PM

Sterling Women's Bible Study

Come join us beginning Thursday, January 9, 2024 for an application study using The Gospel-Centered Life study guide by Robert H. Thune and Will Walker. We will be exploring how to live in light of all God has done for us. Meeting from 7:00-8:30 PM in Sterling.

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Stretch Your Faith

Stretch Your Faith is a Christ-centered yoga practice designed to connect your whole being (body, soul and spirit) in the worship of God. All levels are welcome, class is 1 hour long. Wear comfortable athletic clothes and bring a yoga mat and yoga block. John is a registered yoga teacher (RYT-200) with Yoga Alliance. He received his teacher training in 2018 through YogaFaith, where "Jesus is First and Yoga is Second." This class meets Mondays, Thursdays at 5:30 and Saturdays at 9am. For additional questions about the group, contact Beth Davidson

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7:00 PM


The Empty Nester Club - For those who have recently found themselves with an empty house or who are soon approaching that time in their life. The group is social with some discussion.

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7:00 PM

The Bereans - A Life Group - Multi-Generational

This is a dynamic group of men and women studying God's word together each week. The new Spring study will be in the book of Hebrews using a NavPress study guide from their Life Change series, meeting now thru mid-June. The group meets upstairs on the 2nd floor in Room 302 at 7pm on Monday evenings. Please contact Beth Davidson for additional details.

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The MomCo (Friday)

Have you ever gotten to the end of a week, month or year and thought, “How did I get here? Where has the time gone?” It happens in our parenting, friendships, marriage and work- we get caught up in the urgent demands of the day-to-day, and then years go by, and we realize we haven’t been making the small choices that will get us where we actually wanted to be. So, this is the year to make some moves. Say “Yes.” Navigate to the CFC Events page for more information. Contact Beth Davidson with general questions

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The MomCo (Thursday Night)

This group for moms meets biweekly. Do you ever feel like your pilot light has gone out? Like the spark that once fueled your passion, clarity, and energy has been dimmed under the mental load of motherhood. It’s time for Wild Hope! Click below for more details. Contact Beth Davidson with general questions.

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8:30 AM

The Portal

On March 22, Portal begins a new study. Your Story Has a Villain Put on the Armor of God Each Day by Jonathan Pokluda Each day, the villain in your story cunningly plots to destroy every part of your life. Your marriage, your friendships, and your faith are just some of the things that Satan is out to ravage. However, in Ephesians 6:10–20, the apostle Paul shows how you can resist him. In this video driven Bible study, bestselling author and pastor Jonathan "JP" Pokluda helps you understand the nature of your Enemy and how he plots against you. You will discover how to put on the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and pick up the sword of the Spirit to fight back against him. All these pieces of the armor of God will enable you to not only take a stand against Satan, the villain in your story, but also to gain the victory over him. The Portal Team is committed to you (a man of God) and committed to creating community for men at CFC. Please park and enter at the West doors. If you arrive after 8:30a please use the South exterior stairs and text Rod Weaver: mobile 571-239-7690. Contact Beth Davidson with questions

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4:00 PM

Women Connected

Beginning Sunday, January 12, 2025 for 10 weeks. Ecclesiastes - Life in the Light of Eternity - by David Gibson What constitutes a meaningful life? We seek fulfillment in success, prosperity, recognition, relationships, and even self-sufficiency, but we always seem to come up short. If you feel you are coming up empty in your life and need a bigger vision and greater purpose, this accessible study by David Gibson will show you that all of your hope for meaning lies in getting to know and trust your Creator. Listening carefully to the wisdom of Ecclesiastes will topple your false hopes in temporary comforts and achievements and steer you toward the unshakable hope you have in Jesus. Life is difficult and faith is a constant challenge, but dismantling your time-bound idols will help you look ahead to a hope-filled eternity and will equip you to live generously, wisely, and happily. This small group guide includes ten in-depth lessons that include discussion questions, a short article to read, and a practical application section. Contact Beth Davidson for more information.

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10:30 AM

Women in the Word

Women in the Word continues in the video based study, When You Pray. Join the group on Thursdays at 10:30 AM-noon. Contact Beth Davidson -

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7:00 PM

Women of Encouragement

Women of Encouragement is a multi-generational and multi-ethnic group. They meet during the school year. On March 18 the group will meet off-campus for dinner and on March 25 the group begins a new video driven study "Luke in the Land" written by Kristi McLelland. Tuesdays at 7p in room 301. Contact Beth Davidson

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10:30 AM

Women Together

Women Together is moving to meeting weekly on Thursday mornings. This Fall we are offering ROOTED for Women, a 10 week course designed to connect you to God, the church and to your purpose. Meeting in room 303 at 10:30a beginning September 19th. Richele Walker will lead the course. Register here: Contact Beth Davidson with questions

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